Sunday, May 18, 2008

B r a n d. NEW

B a c k. 2. t h e Basics:
The basics are the foundations for greatness.- Don't surpass them.

I n t e r n a l. R e h a b:
Forget the make up, forget the popularity, forget the day-to-day compliments, and all that meterialistic stuff...
be you you are.

B e a u t i f u l l y. B r o k e n:
never pretend things are not what they seem; embrace you imperfect
p e r f e c t i o n s!!
It is here where one separates their truth from lies.

S e l f i s h VS. S e l f l e s s:
take care of yourself FIRST
no one will have your best interest at heart
like YOU....and/or your parents.
And when you can, lend a helping hand'
but never feel obligated too!

C a l l. I t. A. L e s s o n. L e a r n e d:
never let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent.
know your worth!

Q u o t e:
Failure is NOT falling down.
It is remaining where you have fallen.

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